
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Shocks the World: Over 100 Biological Children Through Sperm Donation.

Telegram ceo pavel durov
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As much as that could be shocking, it is something that Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, has recently revealed and that is – he has fathered over a hundred biological kids through sperm donation. Some of the most memorable response can be seen below adding that this has also raised concern over the future and fate of artificial intelligence including its capabilities when it comes to parenthood, billionaires have been seen taking out-of-the-ordinary ways of creating their own parenthood.

Pavel Durov’s Unusual Journey to Fatherhood

Pavel Durov, the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Telegram, revealed to his 5. 7 million subscribes on the messaging app that the man claims to have sired more than 100 children. This astonishing figure has been done through sperm donation which the man started through an unexpected call 15 years ago by a friend.

In his rather extensive post, Durov explained how a friend with fertility issues with his wife offered to invite him to donate sperm. At first, Durov laughs at the suggestion, but then he understood that a man is not a junk. After realising that the clinic director was out of “better stuff”, he was encouraged to do more for other childless couples considering it as his duty to the public.

Transforming from a Donation-Based to a Global Organisation

Thus, following Durov’s decision to donate sperm, more than a hundred couples in 12 countries have been able to have children. There is at least one clinic for IVF treatment that still uses his frozen sperm many years after he stopped donating, it is for families who want to have a child.

Further anticipating into the future, Durov has exhibited desires to publish his DNA to make it possible for his biological kids to locate each other. He was also proud of his work for helping to fight the lack of healthy sperm both domestically and globally, stating his desire to reduce the veil of secrecy around sperm donation and get more healthy men to go forward and donate sperm.

Still, Durov is not completely sorry that he became a sperm donor There are dangers, but the scarcity of healthy sperm is a pressing problem all over the world and I am glad I contributed to it,” he said. “I also aim at a sort of decoupling of sperm donation and make healthy men come forward in order to increase the options that are available to the families.”

Mixed Reactions and Elon Musk’s Response

The comment of Durov has elicited different Calle response. Many critics, in their gloom about people in technology, say that the CEOs of some of the biggest companies become very busy with the production of children the amount of which they try to outdo each other even with the fact that they rarely get time to be involved in the upbringing of their children. Such sentiment was expressed in a comment; “ Tech CEOs new hubristic hobby appears to be trying to outdo each other on the number of children they can father, all without ever providing any form of love or care in the life of the children.”

Elon Musk himself is a father of 11 children by different girls so he responded to Durov rather jovially. Attached to the screenshot of the message, Durov uses the quote from a tweet, to which Musk replies, ‘‘Rookie numbers lmao’ – Genghis Khan,” referring to the founder of the Mongol Empire, who, as far as is known, had about a thousand children.

The Broader Implications

The stances of Durov and Musk and other tech moguls indicate that the problem of low birth rates is getting solved by the elite quite creatively and unconventionally. Hence, Durov’s decision to publicly speak about his contribution toward sperm donation is intended to promote healthy practice and encourage more males to volunteer for similar services.

Regarding the situation described by Durov in his post, he underlined the necessity of establishing one’s own rules and turning the existing norms upside down. He then went to the audience with a call to embrace sperms donation as a noble way of helping families and fight fertility challenges in the world.

Final Thoughts

Yes, Pavel Durov’s statement that he has 100 biological children is more than enough to attract global interest. Some may interpret it as a noble attempt to solve a major problem while others consider it as part of the take from the tech magnates who are beginning to entwine themselves with their creations’ existence in a responsibility sort of way. Nevertheless, using some other things, Durov’s story provokes critical debates on fertility, parentage, and the role of technology and philanthropy in the present world.

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